Aunt Hennie
A couple of years ago I said something in front of my mom about how I remembered an old butter churn that used to sit out on my Great Aunt Hennie and Minnie's porch at their farmhouse in Peachland, N.C. I then commented about what hard work that must of been.
Uncharacteristically for my mom, she responded with a sour face and a hurrump.
"What, Mom?", I asked.
"Those two old women hadn't churned any butter in years. That butter churn was re-filled to the brim with blackberry wine every week ! And it wasn't the only place in that house that they had stashes. ALL day long. they would cook a little, and sip a little. Clean a little , and sip a little more. "
Oh, the things we don't know when we are young ...
( "Aunt Hennie" preparing for Happy Hour )